Five Photography Accessories for Mom
3:14 PM
This was my first segment on Studio 5 as a "professional photographer".
Very exciting.
Here's a rundown of the five products I found:
1. Shutterbuddies -Found these babies on Pinterest. These adorable little creatures go over the lens on your SLR camera and attract the eyes of busy little kids. And just in case you're still having trouble getting their attention, each one also has a squeaker. Shutterbuddies are handmade and sold by at Utah mom at her Etsy store.
2. ShutterBuddy - Same name, different product.
Don't have a DSLR? No problem! This product is made for point and shoot cameras. It was invented by a husband and wife who just wanted their baby to look at the camera. The black and white pattern is proven to jump out at infants while their vision is developing. They can't help but look at the pattern, and as a result, they look directly into the camera lens. It folds up small for convenience.
$14.95 at
3. CraftyStaci Lens cap pocket- For me, having somewhere to put my lens cap is more important than having a cute camera strap. CraftyStaci on Etsy makes this lens cap pocket which slips on any camera strap. There are more than 150 fabrics in three sizes to choose from.
$7.00 at
4. Waterproof case for Point and Shoot Cameras, like the DicaPac - A good waterproof camera can be more than $200. This case, which makes YOUR camera waterproof, goes for $20-25. Just slip your camera in, seal it up, and jump in the water! Now you can make memories underwater and your photos will still be sharp. Perfect for vacations or pool parties.
The hubby and I took ours to California. It was super fun to use in the Ocean, but I will spare you the pictures of us in swimsuits.
$25 on
5. Lensbaby Fisheye Lens - This last product is for moms wanting to spend a little more. Lensbaby lenses are already known for being mom-friendly and the fisheye lens is their newest offering. Put this lensbaby on your Canon or Nikon camera and just watch as your kids actually want to be photographed. Fisheye lenses are so wide, and let you get so much into frame, they kind of distort the subject. It's like dancing in front of those crazy mirrors at a carnival.
To put the price in perspective, Canon sells a fisheye lens for $700. The Lensbaby is only $250 at Pictureline. It's probably the cheapest fisheye lens you can find on the market.
This is the only one of the 5 products I don't actually own. But MAN I want one!

Very exciting.
Here's a rundown of the five products I found:
1. Shutterbuddies -Found these babies on Pinterest. These adorable little creatures go over the lens on your SLR camera and attract the eyes of busy little kids. And just in case you're still having trouble getting their attention, each one also has a squeaker. Shutterbuddies are handmade and sold by at Utah mom at her Etsy store.
They start at $17 at
2. ShutterBuddy - Same name, different product.
Don't have a DSLR? No problem! This product is made for point and shoot cameras. It was invented by a husband and wife who just wanted their baby to look at the camera. The black and white pattern is proven to jump out at infants while their vision is developing. They can't help but look at the pattern, and as a result, they look directly into the camera lens. It folds up small for convenience.
$14.95 at
3. CraftyStaci Lens cap pocket- For me, having somewhere to put my lens cap is more important than having a cute camera strap. CraftyStaci on Etsy makes this lens cap pocket which slips on any camera strap. There are more than 150 fabrics in three sizes to choose from.
$7.00 at
4. Waterproof case for Point and Shoot Cameras, like the DicaPac - A good waterproof camera can be more than $200. This case, which makes YOUR camera waterproof, goes for $20-25. Just slip your camera in, seal it up, and jump in the water! Now you can make memories underwater and your photos will still be sharp. Perfect for vacations or pool parties.
The hubby and I took ours to California. It was super fun to use in the Ocean, but I will spare you the pictures of us in swimsuits.
$25 on
5. Lensbaby Fisheye Lens - This last product is for moms wanting to spend a little more. Lensbaby lenses are already known for being mom-friendly and the fisheye lens is their newest offering. Put this lensbaby on your Canon or Nikon camera and just watch as your kids actually want to be photographed. Fisheye lenses are so wide, and let you get so much into frame, they kind of distort the subject. It's like dancing in front of those crazy mirrors at a carnival.
To put the price in perspective, Canon sells a fisheye lens for $700. The Lensbaby is only $250 at Pictureline. It's probably the cheapest fisheye lens you can find on the market.
This is the only one of the 5 products I don't actually own. But MAN I want one!