
Studio 5's New Open

10:58 AM

Have you been wondering what I've been doing all winter?
Well, rather than shooting pictures, I've been shooting video.

Here's some of my latest work.

Studio 5's New Show Open
Every frame of video in the new open was shot by me!

But to be honest, I didn't shoot the video thinking it would be used in the open. I shot it for some Studio 5 promos I made.  So actually it was a nice surprise to see my work featured every morning at 11 a.m. on KSL Channel 5!

White Coat Promo
Just about everyone who lives in Utah knows about the "white coat".
KSL's chief meterologist Kevin Eubank wears a white coat during his forecasts ONLY when it's about to snow.
It's a tradition passed on by his father, Mark Eubank, when he used to be the chief meterologist at KSL.
So it's a family tradition, but also a decades-old Utah tradition we all look forward too.

What's cool about this promo is that it features my nephews, Milo and Sawyer, and my niece Gemma!
They were such good sports and loved throwing the feathers everywhere!
P.S. It took FOREVER to clean up and I'm pretty sure my sister-in-law is still finding feathers in her house.
P.P.S. Pause the promo 10 seconds in and you'll see my camio (in chalk on the closet doors.)

Emmy Promo
How often do you get to hold a real Emmy??
Needless to say, it was a real honor to be able to shoot and edit this promo.

This is just a bit of what I've been working on lately.
I'll post more soon, I just have to upload them to YouTube first.

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